Box Latch™ Products introduces new ISO Tools – Box Latches™/Box Fasteners/Box Sealers Visual color coding has been a way of identifying specific nomenclature ISO and manufacturing procedures for years. Reusable, hundreds to thousands of times, Box Latches™ are revolutionizing how boxes may be temporarily closed and reopened several times without damaging them. Streamline your workflow, save time, money and confusion by adding them to your processes. And, yes, they are a great tool for a large variety of business settings. Officially the...
What a changing world? No sports, no concerts, no large gatherings, no trade shows, no fun. Thanks for nothing COVID-19. So… let’s go fishing!!! Here’s CEO, Jim, after a few hours on Lake Michigan. We miss seeing current customers and meeting new prospects at these shows. However, our YouTube videos and free Zoom consultations provide equal or better opportunities for curious prospects to see our unique supply chain solutions in action. Watch this video to see COO Jack Wilson demonstrate the use of the...
Sometime in the mid-1990s “I had the pleasure of attending a full day conference learning from Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth” says Jim Wilson, CEEO of Box Latch™ Products. “Of all the speakers I have heard and books I have read, the E-Myth and Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People have changed my life more than any others.” When asked “Why is that?” Jim responded, “Because Michael Gerber taught me to spend at least one hour every week...
With COVID-19 creating havoc with people’s lives and supply chains around the world, our Box Latch™ products can help minimize transmission of the virus. How so? Since they are plastic, Box Latch™ (BL) or Corner Clip & Stack (CC&S) can be cleaned and sanitized with ease. Additionally, closing boxes with tape requires handling tape guns, refilling the guns when they run out, rubbing one’s hands or fingers over the taped box to make sure it adheres fully and passing the gun on...