US-Based Retailer Employees Are Delighted

June 2023

Box Latch™ Products, the USA’s largest inventor, patent holder and manufacturer of reusable corrugated box closure solutions has supplied two East Coast department store distribution centers with their innovative supply chain logistics devices. 

These 1 million sq ft centers receive clothing and household goods to store, repackage and ship to their hundreds of retail outlets around the country. Upon arrival at the DCs, tape on the boxes is cut to allow them to be opened for label ticketing or tagging of contents before moving on conveyors to other areas. Prior to the introduction of the Box Latch, this required opening, closing and taping the boxes multiple times or leaving box flaps open. All too often, this would foul conveyors or interfere with manual operations. 

The reusable Box Latch™ provides a throughput enhancement and sustainable alternative to traditional tape, staples, glue, bands and folded flaps. Its use in two of the company’s ten DCs has resulted in major cost savings. 

These DC’s also use the Box Latch Products’ reusable Clip & Stack. This device is inserted on one corner of boxes to hold flaps open and down while filling, emptying and/or transporting contents. These clips are ideal for pick & pack, kitting, assembly cells, inventory management, QA inspection and many more supply chain situations. It is the only invention in its class that allows efficient stacking, transporting and storing of open boxes. In other situations, this allows for corrugated boxes to compete with expensive, petroleum based plastic bins and totes.

These DC’s also use the Box Latch Products’ reusable Clip & Stack. This device is inserted on one corner of boxes to hold flaps open and down while filling, emptying and/or transporting contents. These clips are ideal for pick & pack, kitting, assembly cells, inventory management, QA inspection and many more supply chain situations. It is the only invention in its class that allows efficient stacking, transporting and storing of open boxes. In other situations, this allows for corrugated boxes to compete with expensive, petroleum based plastic bins and totes. 

According to DC engineers, supervisors and operations managers, team members appreciate the fact that once the boxes are opened, they no longer need tape guns or box cutters as the cartons move through closed loops within the facility. Equally important is the ease with which workers can reach into the bottoms of deep cartons with flaps held open with Clip & Stacks without scraping arms, being hit in various body parts, or tripping over the open flaps. Moreover, they report that using these two durable Box Latch Products provided a 13 to 1 return on their investment – in a mere seven months. The biggest savings came from shortened task times that enhanced shift throughput, decreasing labor costs. Employee ergonomic and safety benefits with reduced labor costs will be ongoing since both Box Latch™ Product lines have multi-year lifespans. 

For questions regarding implementation of Box Latch Products in your facility, contact Jack Wilson COO & Product Development at or text 920.541.3404. Connect with Jim Wilson CEEO, for information and a demonstration of the company’s proprietary Savings and ROI Calculator.