Announcement – Box Latch Products now available on

We’re thrilled to announce that our innovative Box Latch Products are now available on! Shop our collection today and experience the ease of box latching with a simple click on Walmart’s website. 🛒 Box Latch Products – How to use videos are available on YouTube. For friendly, personal assistance contact COO, +1.920.541.3404.

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Box Latch™ Products Distributor In New Zealand

          CEEO Jim Wilson left the remarkable Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC’s) Trade Venture in Australia on November 23, 2019. While in New Zealand, he visited the headquarters of Box Latch™ Products’ headquarters in Auckland on the North Island and their warehouse in Christchurch on the South Island. Ankit Kumar and the Primepac sales team were detailed on the breadth of the market for our existing and the new Box Latch™ Products that will...

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Update: Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s Trade Venture in Australia

During the week of November 17, 2019 Jim Wilson CEEO of Box Latch™ Products made by Eco Latch Systems, and Phil Southam, our Australian Associate had the pleasure of participating in the six-day Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) trade venture in Australia. With stops in Sydney and Melbourne, this trip’s purpose was to promote the export of products manufactured in Wisconsin. The photograph above illustrates Jim (right) and Phil (left) preparing for one of the 13 visits they made to...

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Box Latch™ CEEO Is In Australia Meeting with Key Staff at the Australia-Packaging-Covenant-Organization

Box Latch™ Products made by Eco Latch Systems is one of six companies with one or more participants in this week’s Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation® Trade Venture to Sydney and Melbourne, Australia. Since its inception, this public-private agency, created in 2011 by then Governor Scott Walker, has produced $2.1 billion in capital investment, much of it by growing exports from Wisconsin’s strong manufacturing community. The photo above shows Chief Executive and Export Officer (CEEO), Jim Wilson, and Phil Southam, the company’s...

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Box Latch CEEO Travels to Japan

After 3 Days in Korea Jim flew into Osaka’s Kansai International Airport. Mr. Yoshi Mitsushima met Jim in downtown Osaka and they took the train to the Nippon Systems HQ. Japan’s train and subway infrastructure is magnificent. Box Latch’s™ ability to re-use corrugate boxes multiple times before recycling was of particular interest to Nippon Systems. They were attracted to our Box Latch™ product line because their business priority consists of living by the 3Es: 1) environment (good for it), 2) ethnicity...

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Box Latch CEO Visits South Korean Distributor

Box Latch’s CEO Jim Wilson has just completed his visit with our new distributer Epackaging from Anyang-City, South Korea. They visited key customers and performed product training with the Epackaging staff. We encourage Korean companies to reach out to Epackaging to see how Box Latch Products can enhance productivity and sustainability in your business.

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