BoxLatch™ Products Make Big Splash in UK

Stacking corrugated boxes and moving them on carts? Who’d have thought this was possible? Our Boxlatches™ Products Distributor, Item-Products, Ltd, demonstrated this innovation at last week’s Packaging Innovation trade show in the UK. We wish we had been there with them as we were a few years ago. However, the growing business opportunities in the USA have forced us to stay home and work with 3M and other Fortune 500 companies this year. Thank you Julian Cook and David Holt for setting...

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BoxLatch™ Products’ Superpowers Land It at Trade Fair in South Korea

BoxLatch™ Products would like to thank Samsung, LG, Hyundai car, Kia car, Coupang, and CJ logistics for visiting Hang Seon’s (Steeve Byun’s) ePackaging booth at the SCM Trade Fair in South Korea last week. This opportunity arose only because of the training the BoxLatch™ Products team received several years ago through the Wisconsin Manufacturing Export Partnership (WMEP) ExporTech® program. That education has been supplemented by critically important export grant funding made possible through the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation. We thank the state...

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Box Latch - Clip & stack being used at the Eco Pro Tradeshow

WEDC Grant Helps Box Latch™ Products Hold Boxes Open or Closed Worldwide

Thanks to what appears to be a short-lived global Covid 19 respite, we are pleased to announce that our Box Latch™ Products are gaining worldwide recognition. With distributors in the UK, the Benelux, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and Australia, our products are continuing to “Revolutionize the worldwide use and reuse of boxes and cartons.” We shared a booth with our UK distributor, Item-Products, Inc. at the London trade show. We also shared a booth in Tokyo with our distributor in Japan,...

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Box Latch - David and Julian at UK Tradeshow

Box Latch™ Products Featured In London Trade Show

“Masked men” Julian Cook and David Holt, coowners of Item Products, LLC, the UK distributor of Box Latch Products in Europe celebrated a brief respite from the office this week. They showed hundreds of guests at the London, UK Packaging Innovations trade show how versatile our Box Latch and Clip and Stack devices are. Ninety percent of boxes are used once. However, boxes and cartons in “Closed Loop Box Reuse” systems can be used 20 to 30 times while the Box...

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Box Latch - Jim Wilson and Dan Abrahms standing, surrounded by graphics booth at the milwaukee manufacturing technology trade show

Box Latch Products Trade Shows Press Release

Great News! After nearly two years, trade shows are back with in-person demonstrations that make them so much more fun. Pictured above at the Oct 5-7 Milwaukee, WI Manufacturing & Technology show are our new Midwest Sales Associates, Art Steadman, and Dan Abrahms. Interest in our Box Latch™ Products was exceptional. Samples were provided to hundreds of interested guests who learned about the financial and environmental benefits of using our reusable supply chain solutions. Look carefully and you will see that...

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Box Latch - Jim and Jack Wilson holding products in a tradeshow booth

Come See Us At These Trade Shows for Demonstrations & Free Samples

Please visit us to see demonstrations of Box Latch Products and receive free samples at any or all of these three upcoming trade shows.  Our staff will be happy to answer your questions relating to where, how, and why our reusable supply chain solutions are working well, saving money, and reducing waste for companies around the globe. Oct 5,6 &7 – Wisconsin State Fair Exposition Center Milwaukee – Booth 542 Click link to see who will be there:  Home – The...

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Box Latch - Closing boxes without tape. Export. Packaging Covenant Organization. Sydney, Australia.

Interested in growing your business? Exporting may be the answer.

If your business needs access to working capital to grow like we have, it’s time to look to the US Small Business Administration for help. We did and it worked. 90% of the world’s markets for products are outside the USA. If we want to reduce our country’s trade deficit, exporting is a must. Besides, you owe it to yourself to learn how to redirect some of your hard earned IRS and state tax dollars back into your company’s ability to...

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Box Latch - Closing boxes without tape. People at Seoul, Korea trade show.

Box Latch™ Products at Trade Show in Seoul, Korea

Congratulations are in order for South Korea. Thanks to the job its government and population have done to manage COVID-19, the Korea MAT trade show was held in Seoul July 27-29, 2020. This may be the only country in the world where in-person trade shows are occurring this summer. Thank you Steeve Byun for detailing our Box Latch™ Products to hundreds of visitors including reps from Kia, Hyundai, LG, Lotte, and Samsung. Check out the video below to see a demonstration of...

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