Sometime in the mid-1990s “I had the pleasure of attending a full day conference learning from Michael Gerber, author of The E-Myth” says Jim Wilson, CEEO of Box Latch™ Products. “Of all the speakers I have heard and books I have read, the E-Myth and Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People have changed my life more than any others.”
When asked “Why is that?” Jim responded, “Because Michael Gerber taught me to spend at least one hour every week working on my business ventures, not just in them. And, Steven Covey helped me understand effective long term planning to become an effective leader.”

“Many small business owners and plant managers are so busy solving problems in their businesses, they don’t think about or find time to work on them,” Jim says. So, if you are looking for something constructive to do as this pandemic shuts or slows down your business, we recommend purchasing and reading the hard copy or listening to the audio version of Michael Gerber’s book.
As you do so, follow our blogs. We will be illustrating ways you can “Think Outside, Inside and On the Tops, Bottoms and Corners of Boxes” to save money and the environment.
Our Box Latch™ team enjoys developing case studies. So…if you would like to gather data to help us publish articles in trade journals similar to the upcoming one in Packaging World,, we would love to work with you. Topics could include money saved:
- On boxes that are now being reused, 5, 10, 20 times, or more;
- By reducing task time to replace tape or bands with Box Latches™ or Corner Clip & Stacks
- By decreasing down time caused by tape sticking to rollers, belts and shelving, click here for case study in Belgium;
- By reducing tape purchases during the first 6 months after replacing tape with Box Latch™ Products;
- By freeing floor space gained when expensive plastic totes and cartons are replaced with “free,” reusable, corrugate boxes
- As a result of reduced human injuries from hand or finger lacerations;
- By eliminating damage to contents from box cutters, or
- As a result of innovation unique to your company.
If you or your company would be willing to gather data on any of these, please contact us to learn more about our “case study” discounts and/or “case study free samples with purchases.”