Box Latch™ Products introduces new ISO Tools – Box Latches™/Box Fasteners/Box Sealers
Visual color coding has been a way of identifying specific nomenclature ISO and manufacturing procedures for years. Reusable, hundreds to thousands of times, Box Latches™ are revolutionizing how boxes may be temporarily closed and reopened several times without damaging them. Streamline your workflow, save time, money and confusion by adding them to your processes. And, yes, they are a great tool for a large variety of business settings.
Officially the product names are Box Latches™, however, some refer to them as Box Fasteners or Box Sealers. Click here to see “how to use” and “in-use videos” of these products: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP6etrpf6QGZKK53tPrGlA/videos
Visit our Shop Page to order your ISO Tool starter kit today!
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