Plastic totes and bins are handy to use, but require massive amounts of plastic. The plastic in these totes will be in our environment forever.

The WikiHow link that follows illustrates how easy it is to reduce plastic waste. 3 Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste – wikiHow It does not explain or show how easy it is to replace plastic totes and open bins with sustainable, cardboard boxes held open and stacked using the Corner Clip & Stack.
To see the simplicity and efficiency, click Corrugate boxes and cartons are now lightweight, collapsible and reusable. Hold them open with the Clip & Stack and close them for reuse with Box Latches™. Save money, apply your Lean Manufacturing principles and produce triple bottom line results.
For free consults contact Jack at +1 920-541-3404 or , For prices on the clips made from polypropylene that can be reused hundreds to thousands of times, click