Push On Method for Box Latches: the word is getting out that the Push-On method is the most time effective way to insert and remove the world-famous Box Latches. How do we know? We have visited multiple user locations in the USA and the UK. As we did so we discovered that, when illustrated as presented here, nearly all customers had an “Aha” reaction. This Youtube video shows why.

Please watch it because the true benefit lies with the simple, time-saving method for opening and reclosing the flaps. As annotated in the video, it’s called the “thumb under the flap – pull up on the latch” method. The advantage is that the latch stays right where it belongs – on the flap. This saves valuable time as boxes are opened and closed quickly without the need to reinsert the Box Latch and without tape, tape guns and blades.
Equally important, it allows packing slips, instruction sheets and/or any other types of communication documents to be slipped under the latch, staying with boxes as seen below.

Want to save oodles of time and money as you enhance your sustainability efforts by reducing packaging waste? Visit boxlatch.com, and YouTube. For friendly, personal assistance, contact COO jack@boxlatch.com, +1.920.541.3404, or CEEO, james@boxlatch.com. If you contact James, he will take things a step further by illustrating the massive savings to be had with our family of products as generated by our proprietary BoxLatch Cost Savings and ROI Calculator.