Box Latch - Products on boxes, a green background, with words. Saves time, saves boxes, reduces injuries.

Box Latch – “I wish I would have thought of that!”

“You should be on Shark Tank.” “Inventing something this simple is harder than inventing most things that are more complicated.” These are the words we continue to hear as creative individuals learn how our Box Latch™ Products are “changing the way the world closes and reuses boxes.” This family of innovative, reusable, supply chain solutions hold box flaps closed or open without the use of tape.  While doing so, they reduce box and tape costs, improve task times, reduce injuries to humans, and...

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We Provide Boxes with Extended Lives

Boxes ready for rebirth and reuse with Box Latch™ Products. Smile with happiness as your company reaps the financial benefits from box reuse.   This is how it works!   Box Latch™ Products replace tape to allow your boxes and cartons to be reused dozens of times before disposal. People : Profits : Planet all win when this occurs. The diagram below illustrates how closed loop box reuse can provide multiple uses of your fiberboard corrugate containers. For free samples and a no obligation consultation...

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Are Box Flaps Causing Problems?

Do box flaps cause a problem at your facility? Box Latch™ Products can help! This brief video demonstrates how our reusable Corner Clip & Stack works to hold box flaps down and out of the way for ease of filling, removal of goods and even stacking of boxes. Also demonstrated in this video is how companies can create their own lightweight, reusable totes by using existing boxes.

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Box Latch - colored products in three boxes. Box Latches holding sheets of paper to box edge.

Box Latches™ Work Well for QA & Returns Internationally

Back in November 2019, CEO, Jim Wilson, met with Mr. Akira Muroaka (owner) and Mr. Yoshi Mitsushima (General Manager) of the Nippon Systems, Corp. (NPC) in Osaka, Japan Later during a monthly Zoom conference, Mr. Yoshi Mitsushima showed Jim how NPC is promoting Box Latches™ and Corner Clips. He said our Japanese people expect products to be manufactured with perfection. Thus, Quality Assurance checks occur repeatedly during manufacturing. The system they are promoting is that manufacturers temporarily close boxes with black...

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Box Latch - Jim Wilson with Alicia at PackExpo East in Philadelphia

Reusing Corrugate Boxes Made Easy with BoxLatch™

In February 2020 Daniel Smith from Packaging World contacted CEEO, Jim Wilson, out of the blue.  He was interested in finding a case study that illustrated how corrugated boxes could be reused. Dan found us at and was intrigued with what he saw there. Jim with Alicia at PackExpo East in Philadelphia One week Before COVID-19 Shut Everybody Down During the week before Covid-19 shut down nearly all the trade shows in the USA, Jim met with Alicia Pettigrew, Manager of Product Strategy...

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Corner Clip in use holding box open while being filled with products

Box Latch™ Products Improve Assembly Cell Efficiencies

A prior blog reported how production manager, Tony DeVoy, at TYRI Americas in Stevens Point, WI made use of our Box Latches™. They found the latches were so useful that as soon as our Corner Clip & Stacks were invented, they put them to use, too. This report illustrates how TYRI’s systematic lean manufacturing makeover employed our clips helped reduce labor costs while growing production, reducing human injuries and eliminating worker frustrations. Efficiencies in Assembly Cells According to Mr. DeVoy, box flaps...

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Box Latches in use on boxes while being stacked on shelves.

Box Latches™ Enhance Warehouse & Manufacturing Efficiencies

When Ken Turzinski co-owner of the Swedish TYRI Americas company in Stevens Point, WI returned from a Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership (WMEP) trade show in Milwaukee during January of 2018, he showed then production manager Tony DeVoy a Box Latch™. His comment was, “Tony, would you have any use for a product that closes boxes like these without tape?” When Tony found how easy it was to use a Box Latch™, he immediately saw a use and placed an online...

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Box Latch - Closing boxes without tape, comic strip.

No Tape – No Damaged Flaps – No Problem

Do you move boxes from Point A to Point B on pallets and then reopen the boxes? If the answer is, “Yes,” why not save money, time and the environment using Box Latches™? Businesses that move boxes on pallets typically rely on taped flaps and shrink wrapping to provide security. When the opened boxes have to be closed after calibration, for quality assurance testing, or to complete secondary processing steps, the flaps must be reclosed. If new tape is added, it...

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The Box Latch Family Revives In-Person Meetings

In 2019 Box Latch Products welcomed Janelle Palermo into the family as Director of Digital Marketing. Through the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Janelle worked remotely to bring awareness to the company’s Reuse, Reduce, then Recycle, mantra. After 4 years with only Zoom videoconferences, Covid has finally cleared and the real world has returned. Thus, in mid-March 2023, James Wilson, CEEO, and Janelle finally met in person at her home in upstate NY. While Jim and Janelle spent time strategizing a path...

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BoxLatch™ Products Make Big Splash in UK

Stacking corrugated boxes and moving them on carts? Who’d have thought this was possible? Our Boxlatches™ Products Distributor, Item-Products, Ltd, demonstrated this innovation at last week’s Packaging Innovation trade show in the UK. We wish we had been there with them as we were a few years ago. However, the growing business opportunities in the USA have forced us to stay home and work with 3M and other Fortune 500 companies this year. Thank you Julian Cook and David Holt for setting...

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